I can be spontaneous and impulsive… And I love it when people join me in my short notice adventures. 🙂 Mary and Brad Keel are dear friends of mine. We met in 2011 on the first weekend we arrived in the USA. These two are a real special duo and amazing friends and neighbors to all they meet. We probably can not classify them as impulsive, but they were keen to join me on short notice.
Most recently, the Keel’s moved out of the Bay Area and I realized I never blogged these images. They have been such a blessing to people in San Francisco and I know that where they find themselves in Florida now, they will touch many more lives.
I have always wanted to shoot at the SF City Hall and thought it would be great to quickly put something together to make it happen. I learned that the Keels just had an anniversary celebration. I reached out to Mary and she happened to have a cute little white dress. I love playing with flowers and made a bouquet to ad some color and Brad and Mary looked stunning!
Brad oozed sharpness with a clean hair cut, black suit, white shirt and black tie. He only needed the sunglasses to appear in one of the MIB movies. And Mary… She owned it, from head to toes! Stylish, thin strapped high heels, with an elegant, short lacy white dress. She looked elegant and daring at the same time.
The San Francisco City Hall is such an awesome venue. There is a great variety of places to take amazing pictures. It also allows for great wide angle pictures of the stunning architecture and stairwell. The lighting inside almost has a golden glow as it reflects on the stairs and other surroundings. Brad and Mary were a perfect contrast to the details of the staircase, windows and marble floors. They were just happy in their own skins and creating natural movement and moments between them was easy.
Brad is a great romantic and had a nice surprise at the end. As we were almost heading out, he pulled a piece of paper from his inside pocket… A handwritten note contained the most beautiful vows. As his kind and amazing words bounced from the City Hall walls, I had to remind myself that this was not a scripted movie scene.
Mary and Brad, thank you so very much. I really appreciate your willingness to join me on my photographic adventures. Please continue to live a beautiful life and example for us all! The SF Bay Area will miss you and we look forward to visiting you in Pensacola! <3 <3 <3
September 2, 2019