I love California spring days. The days are light and breezy. The fields and parks are celebrating new life all around Santa Clara. Trish and Eli’s wedding was therefore at the perfect time of the year.
They have two beautiful children, but there love for each other was shining bright and new. Their little girl looked like a princess and her brother almost like a knight in shining armor. Trish lovingly helped them get dressed during the preparation. Loving she would set her daughter’s flower arrangement and with pride she straightened her son’s jacket.
Everyone at the church was waiting in anticipation to see the bride and groom. And they did not disappoint! Eli, all handsome and proud, were waiting at the alter. Slowly the bridal party entered, until finally it was Trish’s turn. Her entrance turned all the heads in the crowd and rightfully so. In her elegant gown she floated down the aisle. Smiling from ear to ear, Eli was waiting for his bride. Trish was glowing, as she walked to her husband…
The ceremony was beautiful and packed with tradition. The couple made their eternal promise among the happy crowd. As they left the church, family and friends cheered on.
On our way to the reception, we made a stopped for the family and bridal portraits. This open area was a beautiful back drop during the golden hour of light. We had some fun and games during the family pictures. Thereafter, Trish and Eli posed like professionals and we captured beautiful images of their love.
The reception was held at David’s Banquet Hall, right across the 49’ers Levi Stadium. Seeing as Trish and Eli are huge 49’er fans, this was the closest they could get to having their celebration at the stadium! Everybody was in the mood for a good party. After delicious food and great speeches, the party started.
Trish and Eli, I want to thank you for allowing me to capture your big day. I thoroughly enjoyed it and appreciate the trust you placed in me.
Big Thank You to Radostina who was my awesome second shooter for the wedding!
May 28, 2016