Not too long after we arrived on the sunny West Coast, our paths crossed with Louis and Helen Joubert. Our children were almost the same age and both our families recently returned to South Africa. We had a lot in common and soon became friends.
This only added to my excitement when they arranged for a family shoot. Under normal circumstances I meet families the day of the shoot and we only get into the swing of things after a few ice breaking jokes. Not this time around…
Jamie and Amelie immediately took to the beach and dragged their parents along. We were scampering over rocks, peering into rock pools and poking at squishy stuff underneath the water. On the white beach our treasures were crabs, jelly fish and lost of laughs. Chasing each other with the little critters in hand, made for beautiful #familyfunshine images. After the excitement subsided somewhat, Mom and Dad were showered with hugs and kisses. I had such an awesome time with my friends!
Louis, Helen, Jamie and Amelie, thank you for allowing me to tag along and capture the beauty that is your family!
the sunny West Coast, san jose family photographer, bay area family photographer
December 30, 2015

Naand se Marele, baie dankie vir die pragtige foto’s, hulle is baie mooi entlik uitstekend. En ja die Weskus het ook gehelp lyk na n idiliese dag op Langebaan. Nogmaals dankie vir die werklikke realiteits foto’s maak net die verlange hier in te verte net meer draagbaar, groete aan jou familie, en Pa hulle groetnis Tuffy Joubert. Iraq.
Oom tuffy, groot plesier! Baie dankie! Oom se mense is Pragtig, weskus help altyd mooier maak. Oom word verlang hier – maak nou klaar met daai woestyn en kom bietjie terug 😉 xx Mooi aand! Sal groete aanstuur, Marele