My cousin, Daniel, is very free spirited and daring. He loves rock climbing, white river rafting and all other adventurous things. Daniel married Mirka, a lady with a wonderful creative outlook on all things. Combining two people like them can only make a little bit of awesome! Bibi is that Awesome! When I was thinking of a shoot for their 1 year old Bibi Boo, a gypsy theme came to mind. Mirka was immediately on board with the idea and helped decorating Bibi’s tent. We split the shoot in two – morning blue skies and evening golden light. A small and secluded Langebaan beach played host to our little gypsy’s tent. We had lovely grandma Freda with us so the three generations made some sweet memories. Bibi was quite the star and I loved taking pictures of this sweet soul!
December 20, 2014