In Loving Memory – Séan Nieuwoudt

My dearest friend Helané,

This blog post is in loving memory and honor of your dear husband and our friend, Séan.

The hugs he gave and his arms around your sweet girls, the way he looked at them and the way he spoke so proudly about them is replaying in my mind. I did not know Séan very well, but I am so glad you came to visit and slept over the night before your very early morning photo session. I remember I laughed a lot! Séan was a fun and jolly guy, he thought we were crazy making flower crowns in the middle of the night. Séan was a true gentleman. I remember during one of my rare visits to South Africa, we had a braai (bbq) at your home. With close to 20 guests to cater for, he asked me twice if he can get me something to drink. The little things like this matters and stuck with me. I thought quietly, you’ve got a good one, And I was happy for you! I should’ve thought out loud! xoxo

When I learnt of your loss, my heart broke (and is still weeping) for you and your beautiful girls! No one can ever truly understand what you went through and are going through now. With two little ones the same age, I am left speechless thinking of going through the same ordeal…

I can not offer a meal or a hug, but this is my way of saying we love you and are thinking of you!

I dug out my old hard drives, searching to find our session. These were taken April 2015 and I feel so honored to have done these for you and your family! So glad you made the time to reach out and to spend the night. One of my favorite images is the last one. Séan with his big and loving arms around his girls, cherish the good memories and all the fun times with him.

I wish he could still be here with you!!!

Tears flowing – Heart Aches – Big Hugs Helané!!! <3

Laughing at Daddy Séan!



Liefste Helané,

Jy is in my hart en ek dink aan Jou! BAie sterkte met hierdie groot verlies en hartseer!

Blog, Family, Personal

May 10, 2018

  1. Susan says:

    So sad. But such beautiful keepsakes. xxx

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