Babies. Dogs. Some may argue that these are the cutest, but most difficult subjects for portrait photography. How about babies AND dogs? My most recent family session offered with exactly that opportunity. And I do enjoy a good challenge…
John, Christie and their labradoodle, Bentley, were our neighbors in Santa Clara, California before they moved to Dallas, Texas. I was fortunate to do a couple session for John and Christie on the beach in Santa Cruz, California. Their first baby, Raegan, was born a few months ago and they were visiting family in the Bay Area. I was delighted when Christie asked me about a family session.
After much deliberation (and time on the weather app), we decided on a morning session in Central Park, Santa Clara, California. We were blessed with 2 hours of open skies and sunlight on an early spring morning. Mom, Dad and baby Raegan looked gorgeous and we captured awesome family portraits. Towards the end of the session, I asked if we could try portraits of Raegan alone with Bentley, her protector. John’s antics made Raegan smile and Christie managed to have Bentley remain in one spot for long enough. Have a look, but I hope you agree that these baby and pooch portraits came out glorious!
John and Christie, thank you for trusting me with taking these beautiful family portraits.
Raegan, thank you for smiling like a champion.
Bentley, very much thank you for posing like a pro!
March 21, 2018