Imagine if your last name was Francisco… Which city do you think would be a natural selection for popping one of the most important questions of your life?
Adrian contacted me and asked me if I can help him with a surprise engagement shoot… in San Francisco. He explained that his girlfriend has never been to the City by the Bay and he planned a trip to California for a Christmas gift. During this trip, he wanted to ask her to be by his side for the rest of their life. She was not expecting anything, as Adrian just finished school and wanted to work a year or so before they tied the knot. I am a sucker for a great love story and agreed to capture the images for this special moment. And so began the planning for their surprise engagement shoot…
As I am waiting on Pier 7, in the shadows of the Trans America building in San Francisco, I was super excited to start our session. I could not wait for all of our plans to come together. I knew that Amanda would want to look really nice while answering the most important question of her life, therefore Adrian explained to her that they are going out to dinner and have to dress up. In order to get them to Pier 7, he came up with a story that the dinner is on a ferry that departs from that pier. To keep everything under the radar, Adrian saved my number as an insurance company… Such clever clients I have 🙂
Finally I saw them walking down the pier towards me. I tried to avoid eye contact and pretend to be photographing another couple, Amanda looked a little confused and asked Adrian where is all the people? Did we miss the ferry? Poor girl didn’t know what was coming. My brother assisted me and Adrian approached him as a “stranger” to take a few pictures of the two of them. He handed his phone to my brother and took Amanda’s hand. As he reached into his pocket and went down on one knee, the expression on her face was priceless! My brother was taking a video of the event, as I stood a little further snapping away. And her answer? An astounding YES! Then Adrian let the cat out of the bag and pointed at me, explaining to her that this is now an engagement session. It was like revealing one of the cameras on a candid camera comedy show… She could not believe it all and was truly surprised.
As the sun set, the couple was covered in the last golden rays of the California sunshine. We spent a few more minutes on Pier 7 and then continued down the Embarcadero towards the SF Ferry Building. I convinced a few skateboarders to play a moving background for some of the pictures. We ended with a few images in front of the Bay bridge.
I am very lucky and blessed to help Adrian Francisco with a surprise engagement shoot in San Francisco. I just love my clients and the special times I get to capture for them! Enjoy these images of the sweetest couple all the way from Oklahoma city.
God bless your path dear friends. Marele xx
I asked Adrian if he wants to write a little something to Amanda – Get the tissues close, this guy knows his way around some words!
A letter to my Everything
What do I Say to the woman that gives me my voice?
Since the day I met you, I knew you were an amazing women. So much drive that you couldn’t be held back. So much strength that you couldn’t be held down. You pulled on my heart so hard that I fell for you like the leaves do in fall! You showed me how it felt to have someone care for you more than themselves, that even ‘Love’ doesn’t quite describe my full emotions.
What can I Give to the woman that is everything to me?
Do I spoil you with material things? Or do I spoil you with attention? You’re like a fine work of art that deserves the best care but is fragile and delicate at the same time. You’re so far out of my league that I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to be with you. Giving you all my love will never feel like I have given enough.
What do I Do for the Women that does so much for me?
You have watched me grow, helped me mature and prayed for my success. You’re the reason I leave with a positive attitude every day and you’re the reason I can look forward to our future. We have cried together and gone through trials but we walk out holding hands, with our heads held high. Doing life together and loving you through every minute will never be doing as much as you do for me.
How do I Inspire the Women that is my inspiration?
There are no words to describe the encouragement you give me. The way you look at me, the way you communicate with me, the way you bless me, the way you laugh at my dumbest jokes are the fewest and simplest reasons why I want to be a better man every day. You inspire me to search for the best version of myself and continually maintain it like a sculptor works with clay. You grab hold of my mind and challenge me to never be satisfied with knowledge. You support me in every decision. Amanda, I don’t know what I can Say, Give or Do to ever inspire you the same way but I can promise to Love you more each day and never stop trying to be the rock in your life, that you are in mine.
“We love because it’s the only true adventure” ~ Langston Hughes
January 16, 2017