With family visiting from all over, even as far as Australia, Anita thought the timing was just right for an extended family photo shoot. Celebrating their lovely Mother/Grandmother’s birthday added to the excitement. When I arrived in their beautiful, white walled beach home on the Dwarskersbos beach, the music was flowing through the front door and everybody was in a good holiday mood. Jokes were being made and every now and then everybody burst into spontaneous laughter.
The amazing sunset light on the beach made for the perfect backdrop to their beautiful images. We easily worked our way through almost every combination of poses and it was a pure joy to take their pictures. The images range from family fun to sunset sexy and I was simply clicking away. From the youngest to the oldest happily took part in the fun fair.
Anita, Heidi and Janie – thank you for hosting me in the awesome location for the afternoon to capture your stunning loved ones. Enjoy the rest of the vacation and blessed 2016 to y’all! This is one of my last sessions before our move to the beautiful Bay Area in California, USA. Hope to capture more happy families all over the world. xx
December 26, 2015