A cold and foggy West Coast morning awaited our courageous family. I’ve known Helané from High school and I was so happy when she contacted me for the shoot. I love meeting the little faces of friend’s babies whom I’ve never seen before – Even more when it is in front of my lens. Just like the early morning air, the light was crisp and edgy. Everybody embraced the moment and the misty images were simply divine. The morning turned magical when Helané and her sweet daughters, Jenna and Nica put on their floral crowns… (We made them the night before the shoot and I think we did a pretty good job J) The little mermaids played close to shore and I couldn’t get enough of their sweet innocence. Thank you Sean, Helané and girls for the special time you shared with me in Langebaan!
May 17, 2015

Marele!! Dit was amazing om n shoot saam met jou te doen! Dis presies wat ons in gedagte gehad het, net nog mooier! So bly ons het dit by die Weskus gedoen, dis ons gunsteling plek op aarde. Dankie vir al jou moeite met ons woelige gesinnetjie! Wens ons kan dit more weer doen!
Skuus vriendin- sien nou eers jou comment! Was vir my so lekker gewees! Julle is almal So so pragtig! Dankie vir jul moeite om hierna te kom – ek love jou kiddies! xxx
Mooiste, mooiste foto’s vd mooiste gesin! Liefde xxx